Arndorfer Law Firm Practice Areas
Personal Injury * Criminal Defense * DUI Defense
Arndorfer Law Firm’s primary area of practice is litigation. Trial work is a large part of what the firm does.
The largest share of that practice is in the area of personal injury and auto accidents that cause damage due to someone’s negligence.
Since getting out of law school, Mr. Arndorfer has prosecuted or defended criminal cases ranging from Driving Under the Influence to Deliberate Homicide.
We see no significant difference between representing those wrongfully injured or those wrongfully accused of a crime.
Juries serve justice in this country; that is how the trial system works.
Billings Montana Personal Injury Lawyer Helping Accident Victims
Personal Injury
If you are drawn to this site, you are probably in the throes of one of the most important decisions you may make.
Criminal Defense
We believe the playing field is not even. The prosecution has the power of the court to investigate, but the defense does not.
DUI Defense
An allegation of Driving Under the Influence is a very serious charge. The legislature has continuously updated and changed the laws on DUI.